Saturday, January 04, 2025

Just Be Mom- not 'Supermom'

I originally posted this in 2008 and thought it needed some freshening and re-posting

Who can truly count the value of motherhood? What an impossible task! It is a calling so immense, so profound, that words inevitably fall short. 

 Motherhood is not a performance or a race—it is a journey, walked hand in hand with the Lord. Remember, Proverbs 31 is not a checklist to overwhelm you, any more than 1 Corinthians 13 is for love. These passages are descriptions of the work of the Spirit in and through us. Trust God to guide you step by step. It is His work in you, and He blesses through the circumstances of your life. Lean into Him, and He will sustain you.

A Legacy Worth Noting

Let me hold up as an example Sarah Edwards, the remarkable, though often unknown, wife of theologian and pastor Jonathan Edwards.

Much of it is recounted in a wonderful book entitled “Marriage to a Difficult Man- The Uncommon Union of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards”, written by Elisabeth D. Dodds.

Sarah’s life was not an easy one. As the mother of 11 children and the wife of a man wholly devoted to ministry, Sarah bore the immense weight of managing her home, nurturing her children, and supporting her husband in his demanding work. She endured what many Puritan women faced: long hours, little rest, and endless responsibilities.

Yet, her legacy is extraordinary. A.E. Winship conducted a famous study comparing two families: the notorious “Jukes” and the Edwards family.

The Jukes (an anonymous name Winship used to protect the actual family), a family originating from one 18th-century immigrant, were described as a “tribe of idleness, ignorance, and vulgarity.” Over 1,200 descendants cost the state of New York $1.2 million in welfare and custodial care. Only 20 of the 1200 Jukes had ever had gainful employment!

In stark contrast, Sarah Edwards’ family line, built on her faith, resilience, and reliance on God, produced an astounding legacy of contribution to society:

  • 13 college presidents
  • 65 professors
  • 100 lawyers, including a law school dean
  • 30 judges
  • 66 physicians, including a dean of a medical school
  • 80 public officials, including:
    • 3 U.S. senators
    • Mayors of 3 large cities
    • 3 state governors
    • A U.S. vice president
    • A controller of the U.S. Treasury
  • 135 authors
  • Hundreds of missionaries

Winship observed:
“Much of the capacity and talent, intensity and character, of more than 1,400 of the Edwards family is due to Mrs. Edwards.”

Sarah’s story reminds us of the power of faithfulness. She could not have known the full extent of her impact, but her quiet, steadfast trust in God bore eternal fruit.

Mothers, your labor is not in vain. The daily grind, the sleepless nights, the moments when you wonder if you are making a difference—all of it matters.

Sarah Edwards’ legacy was not about perfection but faithfulness. She leaned on God and trusted Him to work through her. You are called to do the same.

  • When you feel overwhelmed, remember: God’s grace is sufficient.
  • When you feel unseen, know that God sees every act of love and sacrifice.
  • When you feel like you’ve fallen short, trust that God works through even your imperfections.

You may not see the full harvest of your work, but be assured: the seeds you are planting now have the potential to bless generations to come.

My prayer for you, dear moms, is that you would see the fruit of your labor. I pray that you would find joy even in the mundane moments and hope in the hard ones. May you know the depth of God’s love for you, and may His strength sustain you as you pour yourself out for your families.

You are loved, cherished, and appreciated beyond words. Thank you for your beautiful labor of love.

Bless you!

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