Friday, October 18, 2024

The Manosphere? We Are a Circus Show

In a world where we struggle defining gender, the things we do to over analyze everything is so far off true north that we are spinning out of control!

The other day, a buddy of mine threw a label my way that left me scratching my head. We were catching up, talking about life, and somewhere in the middle of our conversation, he said, "You know, you're such a Sigma Male." Now, I’d never heard the term before. I didn’t know if I should be offended, flattered, or just plain confused. So, naturally, I did what anyone would do when they’re called something they don’t understand: I looked it up.

What is a Sigma Male?

Turns out, being called a Sigma Male is a contemporary slang—something that comes from the manosphere, an online collection of forums and communities where men talk about masculinity, gender roles, and relationships. You’ve probably heard of Alpha Males, those dominant, take-charge guys who lead the pack, and maybe even Beta Males, who are seen as more passive or follower types. But Sigma? That was new to me.

The Sigma Male is often described as a "lone wolf" type. Unlike Alphas who thrive on leading others and dominating social hierarchies, Sigma Males prefer to live on their own terms, outside of any traditional structure. They have a lot of the confidence and independence of an Alpha but aren’t looking for validation or followers. Sigmas do their own thing, and they do it without the need for attention or recognition.

As I read more, I found some key traits associated with Sigma Males:

Independence: They prefer to go their own way and aren’t bothered by what others think or expect of them.

Quiet Confidence: Unlike the loud, assertive Alpha, Sigmas are more reserved but equally sure of themselves.

Introverted but Capable of Leadership: They don’t seek out leadership roles, but when the situation calls for it, they can step up and lead without needing the spotlight.

Rejection of Social Norms: Sigmas tend to operate outside traditional social structures. They don’t care much for status symbols or climbing the social ladder.

Minimalism in Relationships: They are selective about their relationships, focusing on deep, meaningful connections rather than having a large social circle.

So, does any of this sound familiar? I’ve always considered myself someone who values independence and doesn’t care much about conforming to social expectations. I’m fine doing my own thing, and I’ve never felt the need to be part of a crowd just for the sake of fitting in. I don’t chase after leadership roles, but if I need to get something done, I’ll take charge. And while I have plenty of friends, I’m selective about the people I let into my inner circle.

Then, I stumbled onto something else: the manosphere, where this whole Sigma Male thing seems to come from. The manosphere is a collection of online spaces where men talk about topics like masculinity, relationships, and the challenges men face today. It’s where labels like Alpha, Beta, and Sigma have grown into full-blown personality archetypes. The manosphere itself is a mixed bag, with some communities focused on self-improvement and men’s rights, and others, frankly, going down some pretty negative, misogynistic paths.

It’s easy to see why some people might get hooked on the idea of labeling themselves as a certain "type" of man. It offers a simple way to make sense of where you fit in the world. But the problem with labels is that they can be restrictive, boxing people into certain categories when, in reality, human behavior is way more complex.

After digging into the Sigma Male idea, I could see why my friend thought it described me. I don’t fit neatly into the Alpha role, and I’m definitely not someone who cares about social pecking orders. I’d rather go my own way and live life according to my own principles. And while I don’t mind stepping up when needed, I’m not trying to dominate the room. I just do what I think is right and move on.

But here’s the thing: I don’t like labels. In fact, I’ve always resisted being categorized, whether it’s by personality types, social roles, or anything else. People are too complex to be summed up by a single word. And funny enough, it’s that exact resistance to labels that probably means my friend was right. Maybe I am what he said I am: a Sigma Male.

At the end of the day, though, I’ll just stick to being me. Labels or not, that’s the only thing I’ve ever really cared about.

yes- another song:

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