Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Jayopsis: 20 Years Reflections – Pt. 2: 2011 to 2013

Note: Send your thoughts or writing to me at jayopsis@gmail.com

On Sunday night, November 10, 2024, I’ll be celebrating a milestone that I never could have imagined when I first started this journey: 20 years of blogging on Jayopsis.com!

What began as a small corner of the internet to share my thoughts on faith, life, and culture has grown into something that has blessed me beyond words. Over the past two decades, I’ve been privileged to connect with so many of you who have followed along, commented, shared, and even challenged my writings.

As I prepare to mark this special occasion, I want to invite YOU to join the celebration!

I have already received some responses- but here is a guide that may help you- pick one or more questions and send me your response- I hope to get some from out of the country as well. 

The picture in this post is 2012- Being back in Birmingham in 2011 was such an interesting time. It was like a time warp.... I was gone for 7 years and I return to the same lunchroom seat surrounded by the same people with nothing changed but everything changed.

I wasn't in the classroom and was inserted into a really pressure packed job as the Dean of Students. You never knew what was coming each day- some days were dress codes and other days very serious issues.

The frequency of the posts are actually pretty high considering all the change- new job, new home, etc. Ii had 91 posts in 2011, 95 posts in 2012, and 53 posts in 2013.

As fas as numbers go I average about 60 posts per year and 5 posts per month. The most I have ever done in 1 month was 31 days in a row devotional series. But there are many months where there was just 1.


I picked up a copy of the Os Guinness book, The Call and it was a game changer. I wish I had read that book in my 20's and I'm a little surprised I didn't write more about it.

It took all the way to March to write much at all about the end of my Nashville days, it is realtively reserved.

I did a 30 day devotional in Proverbs that later lead to a book on Amazon.

I wrote a book called the Gospel Confrontation and decided to just put it out on the blog.

In June I wrote a short series called "Concersations with House" which I pretended to have a conversation with Dr. House of the TV series that my daughters liked at that time.

I laugh because I got a text from a good friend in Nashville who thought it was true "who is the crazy Dr, you are taking to?" I had to tell him it was fiction and a TV character.


I did a fun series to start the year- "All of the Chapter 12's in the Bible for 2012" and I loved it. 

I also wrote a series called "Songs for the Climb" which is on the Psalms of Ascent and a shout of gratitude to the Peterson book  A Long Obedience in the Same Direction which I re-visited during Covid and re-titled and re-edited- 'Keeping Your Wits While Others Are Insane"

2013- Explosive Growth- 

In January 2013, I wrote a number of posts on my time as a walk-on football player at Alabama during Coach Bryant's last season. It was a huge hit with many former players weighing in.

Then I wrote a short series on the problem of bullying- the 1st of that series is here:

Sharp Barbs, Fragile Hearts, Abundant Pain

This is most viral of anything I had written to date which shows how hot a topic it was. It was re-posted on a number of Christian School blogs and was turned into an e-book (which I never knew what happened to that )

I guess it is good to mention that I had a number of side projects going on where I did a seperate Wordpress blog where I combined all of the Coach Bryant posts-

Bear Bryant Memories

And I started what would become a full year of devotions- that can still be used today.

Jayopsis- A Year of Devotions

later (in 2018) a lot of this would become books on Amazon.com.

I have never pushed to monetize anything I do- I just want gospel content going out... I want to show that a person who walks with Christ, struggles, has a real life... I want my children and grandchildren to read Iwas a man of flesh and blood

I got the gospel for free.... why should I expect to make money by sharing it?

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