Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Pastoral Prayer

This was the pastoral prayer by Buzz Graham at Christ Presbyterian Church on Feb. 22.
I thought it was worth posting:

Heavenly Father, Eternal Son, Holy Spirit – Helper of the helpless, abide with us.
We call on you with nothing of our own to commend us.
We call on you for the sake of your covenant with us your people, decreed in eternity, bought with the precious blood of Jesus, applied to us by the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit.

Great Lover of our souls, we have none in heaven but you,
and though we have chased after other desires, only in you do our hearts find satisfaction.
Forgive our wayward longings, pardon our worldly leanings, heal our sin sickness.
Abide with us that we may despair of hope and pleasure in any other.

Lord, we are your people by your choosing under your covenant. We are eternally grateful to be yours.

We join our hearts today in Jesus’ name to pray for each other.
Some are sick – please heal them.
Some are grieving loss - please comfort them.
Loved ones have died, friends and family have gone astray, jobs are lost, money has evaporated.
Yet we remain secure in the hand of Jesus. And if he does not condemn us, no power can separate us from your love. Protect us, provide for us, and bless us with your own sweet presence.

Lord, we pray for those in the military and in law enforcement.
Please protect those who protect us.

And Sovereign Lord, govern those who govern us. We pray for those in authority at all levels and across all branches of government. Grant them good judgment beyond the limits of human knowledge and insight. Give them heavenly wisdom.

Abide with us.

Lord, bless the church as it gathers this Lord’s Day in church buildings and meeting halls and storefronts and homes around the world. Hear our praise spoken in all the languages of man. Hear our hymns of praise. Receive our prayers of petition and intercession. And quicken us afresh as we feed on the Word.

Abide with us we pray in the name of Jesus.


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