How does one Biblically respond to Katrina?
#1 God is in control- He was not absent from the storm. He was the fury of it. He was the pilot of it. Nothing happens outside of His sovereignty.
#2 The rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matt 5). Katrina represented judgement for some and graduation to heaven for others. See Jesus commentary in Luke 13 on human disaster. The question is always- "Am I ready for my death?"
#3 God is love and compassionate. In the storm, is also God's love. It is the same love shown on the cross. Where was God when Katrina struck? He was in the same place as when His Son hung on the cross. He is in control and full of love.
#4 For the believer. tragedy is turned to triumph. Rom, 8:28 promises that all things work for good. How can that be? The reaction to the tragedy shows God's truth. It shows mans depraved nature (Rom 3:23) in the looting and crime. It shows the existence of God in how we value life (we spend money and risk lives to save lives). It gives God's people a chance to show compassion (II Corin 1). It wakes us up from trivial lives of idolatry.
What is more comforting? Katrina with no God in control or Katrina being used by God to fulfill His purposes?
How you answer that question shows what risk you have taken for eternity.
See Joseph's faith in Genesis 50.
Psalm 74:9 You stand up to judge those who do evil, O God, and to rescue the oppressed of the earth. 10 Human opposition only enhances your glory, for you use it as a sword of judgment.
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